Attempts to lose weight often include increased physical activity practitioner for the purpose of burning the excess fat in the body. Activity is physical training stimulates the work of the circulatory and respiratory system
muscle to produce fuel and carry and distributed by red blood cells oxygenic and this activity develops and doing movements contraction of the
muscles rises body temperature due to blood flow and muscle contraction rises Drahp body temperature and produces sweat , which is a water contain a high salt concentrated and stored in the body is disposed of by stimulating the sweat glands through the skin , which in turn cools the body to maintain balance temperature .....
The question arises here is that sweating is a cause of fat burning process ?
Exercises Cardio and aerobic exercises and other physical urges the heart and Alritien to raise the amount of fuel produced and distributed more efficiently than the rest of the members of the body where activated by heart pumps and the respiratory tract more quickly in response to the movement of physical updated so increase metabolic rates and increase with the biological processes in the body , especially the construction and demolition , and this leads to consumption of energy -producing calories supplied to the body through
food If implemented this energy the
body begins to search for other sources of energy such as fat , where the process of burning fat stored to provide the energy needed to follow up on physical activity practitioner begins here fat burning process and forgotten that physical activity leads to increased Almamrna effort on the muscles and thus high temperature , forcing the body to sweat to get rid of this heat
We conclude from the foregoing that the reason for burning fat is the consumption of a large amount of energy than the available quantity and supplied to the body and sweating is a way to maintain the equilibrium temperature of the body resulting from the many effects , including physical activity and called the name of Jamil , a mechanism of cooling the body and reminisce about the fever, certain medications , stress and sauna also motivate the
body sweating Does this mean that the
body loses fat ?
There is a difference between the weight-loss process and the process of burning fat stored in the body