
is fish oil good for you?

?is fish oil good for you

Instead of listing what is good for the fish oil, it would almost be easier to list what is not good for . All health
benefits associated with dietary supplement and omega- 3 fatty acids it contains something to make it sound like a miracle drug. But this is not really wonderful. It is a matter of biology.

The human body is composed of a variety of different elements. Water is found in all tissues , so we have to drink water to replace what you lose during the day.

Nutrients such as vitamin C , is found in circulating blood . Antioxidants are present in all cells of the body , thus balancing the free radical molecules that are also present in cells. Without the balance provided by antioxidants , cells grow rapidly . Many of them die.
Whenever an antioxidant molecule neutralizes free radicals , it is destroyed. So we have to consume antioxidants or free radicals every day get the best of us and eventually damage the DNA strands , which can lead to cancer or death.

Fish oil is good for cancer? According to recent studies, the action of the immune system that can kill cancer cells is improved. It also reduces inflammation in the body and inflammation plays a role in cancer and cellular aging . But , back to biology, for a moment.

We must consume water and vitamins to replenish what was lost during the day. We must consume calories to provide energy for cellular activity.

It should consume little fat , because the cell membranes are composed of the same and the free fatty acids are necessary for the transport of construction and vitamins to hormones.

 Part of what is good fish oil has to do with the fatty acids it contains. They are considered omega- 3 fatty acids, and most people do not get enough of them in your diet.

40 % of the mass of cells and neurons in the brain are an omega - 3 known as docosahexaenoic acid or DHA . 60 % of fatty acids in the fundus are DHA. Each day, the cells die and must be replaced . To replace them , the body needs DHA. So we need to consume DHA , water and vitamins to keep your brain and body to function properly .

Fish oil is good for the brain ? Of course! Research indicates that it is beneficial for depressive disorders and even more serious conditions such as Alzheimer 's disease .

This is good for arthritis and other painful conditions . Helps clear skin problems and improves vision . More importantly, it is good for the heart .

At one time, people ate a lot of fish and shellfish from the sea. Powered businesses around the oceans , seas .and rivers

In modern times , people began to eat more beef, pork and chicken. These foods do not contain DHA. So basically , we were a society suffering from some kind of nutritional deficiency and it shows in the number of deaths from cancer and heart disease.

So what is fish oil good for ? It's good for you. You just have to learn how to choose a good brand before buying.

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