
krill oil dosage

krill oil dosage

With all the hype about the benefits of krill oil supplements, people sometimes forget to do this key question: what is the correct dose of krill oil dosage? krill oil dosage is extracted from crustaceans such as shrimp called krill that is about 1-6 inches long and lives in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean. This oil is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids and powerful antioxidants,which is currently sold in the market today as a nutritional supplement.

In fact, since its launch in the market, krill supplements have become very popular among people who are behind the health benefits of essential fatty acids and antioxidants .

Some even go to buy these supplements without first studying the matter. Some do research on the benefits of krill, but that's it.
Only a few are concerned with the right amount of krill oil , which is absolutely essential to ensure that you get the most out of this nutrient without consuming too much of it .

So we return to the original question , what is the correct dose(krill oil dosage) ?

For smaller individuals,a dose of 2 grams of krill oil dosage for the first weeks is recommended. This dose can be increased to 1 gram per day after a certain time. People of average height and meanwhile can start with a high dose of 1.5 grams per day. That would be equivalent to three capsules of 500 g per day.

This is just the recommended dose(krill oil dosage), but of course,the smart thing to do would be to consult a qualified doctor right krill oil dosage. A physician or a physician to consider factors such as weight, height and health status to determine the proper amount of krill supplements are recommended.
Besides the correct dose(krill oil dosage), it is also important to learn about the effects and side boundaries of krill oil.

First, krill oil contains as Omega 3 , fish oil as . Although fish oil has about 27 percent of Omega 3 Krill only 9 percent. Not ideal for people who are allergic to seafood, especially shrimp reactions. Also, you can not take these supplements, so if you have a bleeding disorder.

 Some drugs also do not fit well with krill oil again, it is best to consult your doctor before buying these supplements if you get good advice if krill oil is right for you or not...krill oil dosage

It is true that this oil has many health benefits for people. Not only did that Omega 3 can do wonders for your health in terms of reducing blood pressure and cholesterol and improve heart function , also has powerful antioxidants that promote cell regeneration...krill oil dosage

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